I’ve started collecting and posting one trade per month to showcase the variety of strategies trading live and to verify real results with real trades with real money. Each row of pictures represents one or two random trades from one of my Algorithms on any given market. The screenshot of the chart (left) identifies entry and exit areas and their prices, which are then shown in more detail in the next screenshot of the strategy’s Trade List (middle). What these two pictures show is the actual strategy trading on real time data and what prices the strategy entered on the live price action. The last picture (right) shows the actual filled entry and exit orders on the Futures Broker’s Statement as dictated by the fully automated strategy. As you can see, the prices the strategy gets on real time price action and the filled prices on the brokers end are extremely close, if not identical. If there is a slight one or two ‘tick’ difference between the two, that discrepancy can only be attributed to “Slippage” which is a part of real trading that nobody is able to ignore. I show this to further demonstrate the performance of my strategies and the reliability of both their past and future results.